thats thats thats pretty much the trends everyday。now雖然士林區代償我覺得現在是有點四面楚歌,但是我覺得中國憑本身自己的士林區代償能力也是可以survive in the such kind of difficult situations。well, i mean, idealistically very much more along with the united states, but i mean, at least from a financial speccted to been benenefficiito aliarn with china。i mean, weve basically helped each each other through the gfa withi tried relations and what not at the least, thats what i think much I I think, especially now with qulobalization。 and just the like development in technology。i think we sat sof of modified store。 and now he like qawei, is doing questionable stuff with regards to a spirirare and like impacting a lot more than we realized by they bank tikork。 i inks werent spending that has being compromised。and stuff like that, if you talk about apple and lots about the manufacturers, if they want something made cheap, they go to china in china is an industrial country where theyve got a lot of lot of production。
    創作者 翁旺雅 的頭像


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